Aumakua is a naturopathic clinic dedicated to uncovering the root cause of disease, with an emphasis on digestive health. Digestive concerns such as bloating should be taken seriously, and that they often indicate an imbalance that is affecting the entire body.

Aumakua Integrated Wellness Clinic
Downtown Vancouver Bloating Treatment
815 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC
Click for Contact Form

Almost everyone has experienced bloating at one time or another, especially after eating a particularly heavy meal, or as a symptom of PMS. Although it may sometimes just feel like an uncomfortable fact of life, chronic bloating– experiencing this symptom regularly after eating, or feeling like you have a “pregnant belly” by the end of the day– is a sign that something is wrong within your digestive system.

At Aumakua, we work with patients to determine the root cause of digestive concerns like bloating. Because bloating is generally caused by an imbalance in the digestive system, we begin with a lactulose breath test which assesses type and severity of SIBO (Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth), a frequently overlooked but extremely common cause of digestive concerns. For a full picture of the problem, we may also use DNA stool testing to examine microbes in the large intestine.

For each of our patients, we offer a proven protocol informed by your test results, in order to support natural healing and long-term digestive health.

What is Bloating?

Up to 30% of the general population regularly experience bloating [1], a feeling of being excessively full or having a swollen belly, often after eating, but sometimes seemingly out of nowhere. Unfortunately, bloating is often brushed off, or treated with medications that do not address the root cause of the problem.

Bloating is caused by excess gas, much of which is produced by the bacteria in our guts. What you may not know is that SIBO– an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine– is often behind this excess production and retention of gas.
What are the symptoms?

Most of us are familiar with the uncomfortable, full feeling and appearance of a bigger-than-normal belly that indicate to us that we’re bloated. Beyond this feeling, though, there are a few other symptoms that often come along with bloating, and a number of telltale signs that the problem is chronic and related to an intestinal imbalance.

Signs of bloating caused by an imbalance in the gut include

  • A distended belly
  • Frequent constipation and/or alternating constipation and diarrhea
  • Other signs of gas (belching, flatulence) after eating; painful gas
  • Bloating that does not improve with standard treatments or interventions
  • Bloating that gets worse as the day goes on
  • Abdominal pain; cramping
  • Bloating after meals of any kind, or that sometimes doesn’t appear to be connected to meals at all
  • Sensitivities to certain foods, especially new or worsening sensitivities
  • A sudden onset of symptoms

Our Approach

At Aumakua, our approach involves developing a complete picture of each patient’s imbalances, potential nutritional deficiencies, sensitivities, digestive health, lifestyles, and other factors that may influence digestive and overall health. Our goal and mission is to uncover and treat the root cause of bloating and any other symptoms you may be experiencing, and support healing for the long term.

We test for imbalances in the digestive system using lactulose breath testing to assess SIBO, and other specialized testing such as a comprehensive DNA stool analysis when necessary. We offer proven protocols and strategies to not only resolve bloating and other symptoms, but to prevent future digestive issues by identifying and resolving underlying causes.

You shouldn’t have to continue to suffer from chronic bloating. Your digestive system can be repaired, holistically and for the long term.

Aumakua Integrated Wellness Clinic
Downtown Vancouver Bloating Treatment
815 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC
Click for Contact Form

What causes bloating?

In most cases, chronic bloating occurs because something is off balance within your digestive system. We commonly find dysbiosis (an imbalance in the gut flora), leaky gut, and/or SIBO at the root of bloating.

SIBO, an overgrowth of bacteria in the small intestine, can cause gas to build up as the bacteria ferments, leading to chronic bloating. SIBO and other imbalances within the digestive system can also cause a whole host of other symptoms that may seem unrelated, as the gut communicates with and influences the entire body.

There are many different factors that may lead to an imbalance in the digestive system, including diet or hidden food sensitivities, environmental toxins, and stress.

Which tests are recommended for bloating?

To determine exactly what is going on within your digestive system that is causing bloating, we begin with breath testing for SIBO, which gives us a comprehensive picture of gases being produced in excess by bacterial overgrowth, and allows us to determine which bacterial group we need to focus on eradicating. This test is essential for directing an effective treatment protocol and facilitating sustained healing. We also sometimes recommend DNA stool testing in order to uncover possible microbial issues within the large intestine.

Have you had enough of your unexplained, unrelenting bloating? Have you almost given up on ever feeling better?

At Aumakua, we know that you can repair your digestive system, resolve your symptoms, and truly heal. Our team is ready to help you along your journey by determining the root cause of your bloating, providing you with an effective protocol, and supporting the restoration of your digestive and overall wellbeing– for the long term.

Aumakua Integrated Wellness Clinic
Downtown Vancouver Bloating Treatment
815 Cambie Street, Vancouver, BC
Click for Contact Form

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